BlackBerry Q10 Sales: There are many reasons why smartphone users neglect to make a change. For Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) BlackBerry, this is bad news. After all, the company is looking to grab back some of the market share it has lost over the past few years.
To improve its chance of doing so, BlackBerry has gone all out. In addition to an operating system that is meant to rival the competition, the company has released two new devices that are packed full of features.
To ensure that new users of the BlackBerry Q10 are able to catch on without any trouble, the company has decided to release a series of videos that offer advice on how to use the device. While most people have no trouble figuring things out on their own, it is always nice to see a company taking the initiative with hopes of providing just at little bit more information.
What type of information can you expect from these new Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) videos?
From personalizing your device to using the calendar, the amount of information available in each video is perfect for somebody who is new to the Q10 and in need of some assistance on what to do next.
One of the most popular videos touches on the following:
“Switch from an older device to your new BlackBerry Q10 and get all your information transferred over.”
As you can see, this video is aimed towards people who are now using the Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) BlackBerry Q10 but were relying on another type of smartphone in the past.
It is BlackBerry’s hope that people watch these videos and realize just how easy its new operating system and Q10 smartphone can be. And of course, these videos are also helpful to those who have already made a purchase and need some help getting started.
These are the types of things that Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) BlackBerry Q10 needs to do if the company is going to take back market share and once again become a major player in the smartphone game.
On the next page, you can view one of these popular how-to videos: