Repligen Corporation (NASDAQ:RGEN) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Anthony Hunt: Yeah, if I looked at all the markets that we play in, new modalities is one where I think a vast majority of the Repligen technology portfolio plays out. I think we’re at maybe 20% of revenue now in new modalities. And so, when I look at our portfolio, you can clearly see OPUS, even our analytics business, when we bought the analytics business back in 2019 from C Technologies, it had no revenue in the new modality space. And I think around 20% of the revenue is now coming from new modality. So that’s a very nice positive uptick. Our whole fluid management portfolio, definitely opportunities. And we’re getting traction there. And then you just have to look at anything from ATF to our flat sheet cassettes. Our whole portfolio of products really play nicely in the space.

And then maybe I finish up, Matt, with a comment from what Olivier said, which was the RS10 launch is absolutely geared towards this customer base. So if you think about where are we placing bets, we’re definitely placing bets in this space. And some of the products that we’re launching right now are totally geared towards this customer base, like the RS10.

Matt Stanton: If I could maybe squeeze one more in. Sounds like the US was up, EU was down slightly tied the ligands. Would just be curious if you could talk a bit more about the trends within pharma between those two regions. Any differences between top 10 or 20 accounts and the small to mid-size customers between US and Europe in the quarter?

Anthony Hunt: I would say that if we looked at the regions, the one region that was down in Q1 was APAC, right, with China. That was probably the one region where if you looked at, if it had a similar performance as what it had in Q4, we would be talking about a much higher book-to-bill, right? But, again, I’m not trying to make any excuses. The problem is that, every quarter, there’s something that you weren’t expecting that you have to deal with. And so, look, if you look at us as a company over the last three or four quarters, we’ve been pretty consistent on the orders and pretty consistent on the revenue. What we need to see is an uptick, right? And that’s the way that we get to our sort of guides of the year. If you think about it – if you took it ex proteins, I think we’re up around 6% or so in Q1 versus where we were in – actually, if you look at where we will be in the first half of this year, if you take the midpoint of, say, $305 million between $300 million and 310 million, you go back to the last six months of last year, we’re probably up 6% ex proteins on revenue.

So to get to our midpoint of our guidance, we would need to be up 8% in the second half of the year versus the first half of the year. So I don’t think it’s like a huge stretch, but we have a lot of execution that we have to do to get there.

Operator: Thank you. And this does conclude the question-and-answer session. I would now like to turn the conference back over to Tony Hunt for any closing comments.

Anthony Hunt: Great. Thanks, Keith. And thanks everybody for joining. Obviously, a solid start to the year for us. Look forward to catching up with everybody at the end of July, beginning of August. So thanks again.

Operator: Thank you. The conference has now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect.

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