Relmada Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:RLMD) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Joon Lee: Okay. And in the press release, you say that you now expect these results in 2023. Is that referring to RELIANCE II? And if so, wasn’t that always the case that we could expect that in 2022 — ’23?

Sergio Traversa: Well, yes, the — we don’t — at this point, we would try not to be too specific on if it is first half, second half. Consider that RELIANCE II is about 25% enrolled, but also that the focus was really, really on monotherapy. We’ve given a lot of effort, a lot of advertising and a lot of energy in completing monotherapy. And so — and then RELIANCE I so RELIANCE II has always been not slowed down, but not pushed to enroll fast because we wanted to see how the other two go. So now in 2023, RELIANCE II will be the focus. And eventually, with maybe another Phase III similar study that we’ll decide after the 301 results. So we expect we should be able to complete it within 2023. But after RELIANCE I data in December, we’ll be a lot more specific on what the plan is.

Joon Lee: Great. Thank you so much.

Sergio Traversa: Thank you, Joon.

Operator: And that does conclude today’s question-and-answer session. I would like to turn things back to Sergio for any closing comments.

Sergio Traversa: Well, thank you all, and thank you, Dr. Fava. Thank you to the team. And in closing, I really remain grateful to the Relmada team for their continued hard work and dedication to executing what is for us is really a mission. And I would also like to extend sincere thanks to the participants and the clinical partners involved in the REL-1017 trial for the effort in advancing this important product candidate to the clinic. And we look forward to 301 data and continue to the clinical development of REL-1017, and hopefully, get it approved at some point. Thank you very much, and enjoy the rest of the day.

Operator: And with that, that does conclude today’s conference call. We’d like to thank you again for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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