Rayonier Inc. (NYSE:RYN) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Mark McHugh: Absolutely correct.

Tousley Hyde: Okay. Thank you. That’s pretty helpful. And just to follow-up on that. You noted that you’re seeing increases in cost. I’m just trying to get a little bit of gauge as to how significant increases may be. Should we expect something similar to give your growth in 2022? Or do you think it’s going to come in a little higher?

David Nunes: We’ve actually seen costs moderate over the last couple of quarters. So really, while there really more folks are on diesel now. Labor seems to have settled down and equipment is starting to work through the process – through the chain, supply chain, things like that. So I would say that we still see increased costs, but they’re not near what they were kind of going from ’21 into ’22.

Tousley Hyde: Okay, great. Thank you, guys.

Operator: We are showing no further questions at this time.

Collin Mings: Thank you. This is Collin Mings. I’d like to thank everybody for joining us. Please contact us with any follow-up questions.

Operator: That does conclude today’s conference. Thank you for participating. You may disconnect at this time.

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