QuidelOrtho Corporation (NASDAQ:QDEL) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Doug Bryant: Yeah. We are still hanging our price wise. We expect flat price.

Casey Woodring: Got it. That’s helpful. And then just last one, in terms of the sites with multiple Sofia’s, particularly the hospitals that have five or six on average that you noted in the prepared. What gives you confidence that

Doug Bryant: Yeah.

Casey Woodring: those multiple instrument sites won’t consolidate? And then can you just elaborate on those multiyear contracts, how much visibility do you have into those flu and those other respiratory revenue numbers?

Doug Bryant: So a couple of things. Hospitals is 7.5 instruments per hospital, to be clear. In terms of consolidation, I think, the most important point that I made was that only 8% of those boxes out there just run COVID. So the — you could expect, for example, the boxes in the nursing homes would be returns. You can expect that a handful of customers that would maybe run just COVID-only could be an opportunity to consolidate. But at the end of the day, we haven’t seen it yet. So I don’t know how to forecast it moving forward, but I would just say, we are not seeing it yet.

Casey Woodring: Got it. That’s helpful. Thank you.

Doug Bryant: Sure. Thank you, Casey. All right.

Operator: Thank you.

Doug Bryant: I think that’s all for the questions. I want to thank everybody for your great questions actually, and in closing, thanks for — thanks to the extraordinary dedication of our folks. We really did have a strong finish in 2022. Once again, the integration is going well, and when I say that, I am not just talking about cost and revenue synergy, I am talking about watching the people get together and across the Board, whether it’s in the factories or in meetings, supply chain or the commercial books. I think everybody is getting along tremendously, people are happy and I am expecting a great success from 2023 onward. So, thanks, everybody.

Operator: That conclude — thank you for your participation. That concludes the conference call. You may now disconnect your lines.

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