Purple Ketchup, Celery Soda, and 6 Other Crazy Food Ideas That Flopped

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1. Ayds Candy

I don’t think I even need to clarify why this is number one in the ranking of crazy food ideas that flopped, but let’s break it down anyway. Ayds Reducing Plan Candy was an appetite suppressant diet treat that came in several flavors and was supposed to be eaten before meals. Born in the early 70’s, its success grew quite large over the next decade, but by the mid-80’s its demise was nigh. It was then that the disease caused by HIV, previously nameless, was titled AIDS (which sounded the same) by the medical community. From there on, the drop in sales was catastrophic, and the candy was eventually pulled out of the market.

Now for the good part: the infomercials are hilarious. Of course, back in the day they were just regular TV ads, but today they’re a joke. We can appreciate several hysterical phrases, such as “Ayds possesses one of the most effective appetite suppressants”,  “With Ayds I ate less, so the weight came off,” “Ayds helps put me in control,” “Try peanut butter Ayds,” and my personal favorite: “Ayds lets you taste, chew, and enjoy,” because that’s how you get AIDS, people. So give it up for the most unfortunate product name ever!

So, did you find out why purple ketchup, celery soda, and 6 other crazy foods flopped terribly?

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