Purple Innovation, Inc. (NASDAQ:PRPL) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Keith Hughes: Okay. Thank you.

Rob DeMartini: Thank you, Keith.

Operator: Your next question comes from the line of Matt Koranda from ROTH MKM. Your line is open.

Matt Koranda: Hi guys. Can we just come back to the math on the cash bridge towards the end of the year here? I just want to make sure I understand it correctly. $27 million of cash on hand as of the third quarter, I think the implied sort of cash burn for the fourth quarter was somewhere north of $20 million. We are getting to a pretty thin level, I guess by the end of the year, and then you have some capacity on the revolver. Can you just speak to sort of what is actually available on that revolver draw as we head into ‘24?

Todd Vogensen: It is a $50 million revolver. So obviously, depends on borrowing base, which changes as we go through the course of the year as we look at it right now. We still have the bulk of that $50 million available to us, and we are continuing to manage within it. So, there is plenty of availability within that ABL to help us manage through the fourth quarter.

Matt Koranda: Okay. And any good guess from inventory plus towards the end of the year or early next year as you kind of get through the, I guess lap some of the ramp-up that you have with your wholesale customers?

Todd Vogensen: No, it’s an interesting point. We are actually, as we see opportunities from a demand perspective, in some cases, chasing inventory. So net-net, as we forecast out our inventory and look at the end of the year, we should be roughly consistent with where we ended the third quarter.

Matt Koranda: Okay. Got it. And then you mentioned the ability to take price or at least the desire to do that. Just wondered if maybe you could drill down on pricing and maybe talk about where you see opportunity, whether that’s in the wholesale or DTC channel or both and any specific products where you think there is room for pricing and maybe just timing as well? Should we expect any benefit in the fourth quarter, or is this more of a 2024 event?

Rob DeMartini: Matt, we have taken some pricing on some of our accessories late in Q3. It’s not fully installed yet in wholesale because of the lead times. But we don’t really think about pricing by channel. This is an omni business and we have to start at MSRP and work backwards. So, the pricing opportunity was mostly we have got some modest room in some of the mattress models next year. We have taken some on our pillow business already this year and quite frankly, saw no negative volume implications. And then some of the accessories business that Todd referenced will action over the next month or so, but it’s pretty modest at this point. That’s not a big driver.

Matt Koranda: Okay. Got it. Appreciate it. Thanks.

Rob DeMartini: Thank you, Matt.

Operator: And we have reached the end of our question-and-answer period. Mr. Rob DeMartini, I will turn the call back over to you for some final closing remarks.

Rob DeMartini: Just thank you. We appreciate the interest in the company, and we are working hard to get volume and profitability moving in the right direction. Thank you.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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