Pure Cycle Corporation (NASDAQ:PCYO) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Operator: Thank you very much. Well, that appears to be all the questions that we have in the queue at the moment. I’m going to hand back over to Mark for any closing comments.

Mark Harding: Thank you, Jenny. So again, a terrific quarter, as you guys can see from the presentation, really — we do have a lot of pedal in our assets, and we’re starting to use that. We’re starting to press a little of those. We’ll have some overlapping segments of the land development side. We continue to press on expanding our portfolio of the SFRs. So we’re continuing to invest in that on that side of it. And then continuing to invest on delivering more water to our industrial customers to make sure that we can continue to capitalize on that demand for oil and gas as they continue to build out that field. So all 3 of those areas, we are expanding and continuing to invest in and really continuing to appreciate and respect the health of the liquidity and the strength of the balance sheet.

So with that, we’ll look to leverage that in some acquisitions and really continue to add to the pipeline of opportunities for the company. For those that are missing our early morning presentation and picking up on this and have a question as a result of the call or the slides, don’t hesitate to give me a holler. And we will look forward to several major market visits. I’ll be back in New York probably after the first of the year and see if we can do another kind of Q&A session at the NASDAQ for some of that for our New York family and the other major metropolitan markets across the country. So with that, I wish you all and your families a terrific holidays, and we look forward to continued success in ’24. Thanks very much.

Operator: Thank you very much, everyone. That does conclude today’s conference call. You may disconnect your phone lines at this time, and have a wonderful day. Thank you for your participation.

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