PowerSchool Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:PWSC) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Operator: The next question is from Fred Havemeyer with Macquarie. Please go ahead.

Fred Havemeyer: Hi, thank you. And I think I’ll reiterate the sentiment on the call here and say congratulations on a strong third quarter. I think on that strength, I wanted to ask about €“ firstly, Eric, also congratulations on your promotion, and this question is in line with that. But it looks like 108.7% net retention rate looks like a new high watermark for PowerSchool as a public company. I wanted to ask really specifically, actually, Eric, as you assume more customer success and customer renewal roles with your promotion here, what do you think that PowerSchool could potentially do here to continue progressing this NRR? And do you see opportunity for it to continue moving up?

Eric Shander: Yes. So first, thanks, Fred. Appreciate it. Yes, so we do. And in fact, we are really pleased with the third quarter where we ended. Just as I said, just to kind of make sure we’re all aligned with where we think we’ll end the year. We’ll end the year in the 108% range, which is ahead of our expectations and really just demonstrates the continued momentum we see within the existing customers. Specific to the renewal opportunity, look, I think we’ve got an opportunity to really leverage that team more as we kind of look at driving the value of the platform across our existing platform and really make sure that our customers see the value of the platform, not just one or two or three of the products, but really what is the value that we can drive from an overall standpoint.

And any time we touch the customer, certainly a renewal opportunity is a perfect opportunity to really have that discussion and engagement with the customers around other products that may make sense for a particular customer. So I do see that we’ve got upward potential. Certainly, well beyond where we’ll finish this year. And as we kind of get into next year, we’ll certainly update everybody in terms of what our future thinking is. But clearly, we’re really thrilled with the third quarter performance, and we’ll end the year above our expectations.

Fred Havemeyer: Thank you for that. And then perhaps for Hardeep. I was interested in your description of €“ I think it was Baltimore adding Schoology, expanding some of their purchasing of the platform. It sounded like, I think you said Talent and Naviance. It sounded like it was potentially a win that was leveraging some of your solutions outside of SIS. And please correct me if I’m wrong, but I wanted to ask more broadly about also just the opportunity to find more areas for PowerSchools to be pulled in and the platforms you pulled in among some of those schools that may have been adopters of some of your potentially smaller ARR as a proportion of your total ARR products and potentially even some of your recent acquisitions. It sounds like the cross-sell was very strong. I was interested in that one in particular.

Hardeep Gulati: Yes, Fred, it’s actually you’re making a very good point. If you look at most of our large wins I actually shared, they’re all actually coming from a non-cross-sell. So take examples. Try, we had a relationship on there with them on Naviance and some of our assessment with a few of their students. And they’ve made a selection not just to expand the relationship into their full student information system across a few hundred thousand students, which they support online direct part time and full time, but they also adopted enrollment and some of the other capabilities. Plano is another good example. They started from Talent and then expanded the relationship into a full platform on SIS, ERP, classroom and Talent.

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