Popular, Inc. (NASDAQ:BPOP) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Kelly Motta: Got it. Last question for me and then I’ll step back. I think on prior calls, you said on the fee income side, about $155 million to $160 million a quarter was a good run rate. And this quarter was really strong if you back out the MSR gain, you’re right in the middle of that. Just wondering if you could provide an update on what you’re seeing on the fee side, any give or take there?

Carlos Vazquez: Yes. I mean we still think that’s the right range, Kelly, $155 million to $160 million. As you know, the — one of the reasons we like to talk about that range is that any given line in our fees will be up and down every quarter. But the summation is actually less volatile than the individual lines. So I think that range is still the right range in any given quarter. The fees in credit cards may come down and fees in something else will go up, and that may be the opposite in the following quarter. So they move around a lot but the summation actually is a pretty steady stream of business. So $155 million to $160 million still looks like the right range for us.

Kelly Motta: Thank you so much. I’ll step back.

Operator: [Operator Instructions]. Our next question comes from Gerard Cassidy of RBC.

Carlos Vazquez: Hello? Gerard, are you there?

Operator: Our next question comes — it’s a follow-up from Alex Twerdahl of Piper Sandler. Alex, please go ahead.

Alexander Twerdahl: Just a couple of follow-ups. Just back on the fee comment there, are you able to disclose the level or your level of interchange fees in any given quarter?

Carlos Vazquez: Yes, we do. If the reason for your question is the newly announced proposed changes on interchange debit fees. The proposal is implemented as it stands, would probably mean something in the neighborhood of $3 million a quarter to us in reduced income.

Alexander Twerdahl: You nailed it. That’s exactly what I was asking. And then I wanted to ask a follow-up on the loan purchase question as well. I think a lot of us are paying attention to these FDIC — the loans of the FDIC selling and a number of them come in kind of unique structures, these JV structures. Is that something that you’d be willing to take a look at? Or would you only really consider cash purchases?

Ignacio Alvarez: No. We’ll look at everything. I mean, the JV structures might produce fee income if it makes sense. So we’ll look at everything. We’re a little bit shy about the sharing losses with the FDIC given our prior experience. But we’ll look at everything. I mean if the deal is right, and if price is right, we’ll take a look at.

Alexander Roberts Twerdahl: Got it. All right. Thanks for taking my follow-ups.

Ignacio Alvarez: Thank you.

Operator: We have no further questions on the phone line. So I’ll hand back to Ignacio Alvarez.

Ignacio Alvarez: Thanks again for joining us today and for your questions. We look forward to updating you on our full-year results in January, and a happy weekend to all of you. Thank you very much.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s call. Thank you for joining. You may now disconnect your lines.

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