Perdoceo Education Corporation (NASDAQ:PRDO) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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While we continue to monitor and evaluate these rulemaking initiatives, as well as new or updated guidance coming from the department, any further operational changes that are necessary to ensure compliance with department’s rules and interpretations could have an impact on the outlook I just presented. Our 2024 outlook also assumes ongoing investments in technology, data analytics, academics and student support processes. We believe these investments have been successful and positively impacting academic outcomes and student experiences. We’ll also continue to increase the size and resources of our institution’s corporate engagement teams. Please refer to our earnings release filed today for important information about the key assumptions and factors underlying this discussion from today’s call, as well as the GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliations.

With that, I will turn the call back over to Todd for his closing remarks. Todd?

Todd Nelson: Thank you, Ashish. In closing, I’m proud of the way our company executed through the first quarter of 2024 and I’m pleased with the progress we are bringing into the New Year. Our academic institutions remain focused on serving and educating students, and our investments will continue to prioritize student experiences and academic outcomes. I’d like to thank all of our students and staff, once again, for their ongoing hard work and dedication. Thank you, again for joining us and we look forward to speaking again next quarter.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen that concludes today’s call. Thank you all for joining. You may now disconnect.

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