Palatin Technologies, Inc. (AMEX:PTN) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Carl Spana: I think you hit it your last statement kind of hits it. I think at the end of the day, most of the treatments that are in approved for dry eye disease have tolerability issues. Safety in these treatments are pretty good. You’re giving a small amount of drug topically, so there’s not an overall large concern about systemic effects. So it’s really about the patient acceptance and tolerability and long term use, and that’s what’s really plagued a lot of the drugs that have — we’re in the market for a long period of time and now coming into the marketplace. PL9643 has really excellent ocular tolerability and safety. So that would be a very key differentiating factor, a comfortable installation without itching and tearing and burning or feeling goofiness or off taste, anything of that nature is really key to — for a product like this, because I said it is very consumer driven.

So that’s going to be key important factor. I think one of the things I’d like to kind of distinguish is, in the dry eye space, we see different types of products, right. So a product like 9643 really is trying to address the underlying disease. So we’re trying to modify the disease condition and through that have an overall effect on the corneal surface health and then how the patient perceives their disease, so their symptoms are improving, that’s a little bit of a much more difficult challenge than agents that are, what I would classify just really symptomatic treatment, in other words, i.e. they just drive a tearing of the eye — short term tearing of the eye that maybe can alleviate symptoms over relatively short period of time, but don’t really have long term benefit in treating dry eye disease.

So there’s another distinct thinking factor there. Again, assuming success, we’re really — we’re likely to be having that success because we’re really modifying the underlying disease, not just addressing a symptom.

John Newman: Great. Thank you.

Operator: We have reached the end of the question-and-answer session. And I will now turn the call over to Carl for closing remarks.

Carl Spana: Thank you. Steve and I would like to thank everyone for participating on the call, and we’d like thank our analysts for the very insightful questions that they ask. It helps us to Steve and I to more or less illuminate what we’re doing here. So again, thanks everyone. Big half for us, obviously a big month for us. So we’re looking forward to the data and take care and we’ll catch up with you soon. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. [Operator Closing Remarks].

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