Hitomaro Yano: I’m sorry, can you please repeat the last part of the question once again?
Kazuki Watanabe: So the dividend policy, if you are going to upgrade the dividend, you have to basically exceed the previous year’s profit. But if there is going to be, if there is going to be something good if you overshoot or do much better than the profit from last year or against the target?
Hitomaro Yano: I’m sorry, what was the first question?
Kazuki Watanabe: About the fourth quarter?
Hitomaro Yano: Oh, I’m sorry. Well, we will just continue to account for impairment and as we usually do in a steady manner. It’s not as if we will do something special for the fourth quarter, but in the second quarter and fourth quarter, generally speaking, we tend to see these numbers come up. But it’s not as if there is no impairment, no write off right now. Of course we are doing so many different things and we will continue to see some level of a write off, but we have not really identified any big potential issue so far. That is the current situation, but there will be some here and there that is the current situation. So that’s the first question’s answer. Now as far as the dividend is concerned, 33% or previous year’s number whichever’s higher, that is what we communicated for this fiscal year and this will stay the same. This will be unchanged. That’s all I can say to you. Would that be okay?
Kazuki Watanabe: Yes, thank you. Thank you for your answer.
Operator: Thank you very much. Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley, Tsujino-san, please.
Natsumu Tsujino: Well, first of all, with regard to the U.S., if you could be so kind enough to give me some idea as to your approach right now. So I think there are some losses of JPY10.5 billion from the securities that was held and on the other hand, there’s JPY4.2 billion of profit. So I was looking into these perhaps noises and the segment profit is about JPY5.1 billion, and it was lower than the first quarter, but then higher than April to June. So this sales, the impairment loss that was posted, where did it come from? And also in actual fact, how’s the business like right now and Lument so how is it like towards 2023 margin, how would it perform going forward?
Hitomaro Yano: Well, on Page 27, if you could refer to Page 27 then, so just as you have mentioned, the PE investment, the capital gain has been generated from some PE investment. I would like to refrain from mentioning the actual specific names. There are different pieces of PE investment that we have made and generated some capital gain from. And as you have said, the appropriation of that was made. So there are two. So a specific appropriation of reserves and also see through. So when we change some outlook of the future, we may have to add some reserves. And referring to Page 27, the credit, the base profit has declined as a result of the reserves that we had to increase and the others that affected our performance. So we have estate in Lument and also, we call it as BFIM in other words Boston Financial for low-income bracket people, so we develop housing and we securitize it.