NV5 Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:NVEE) Q2 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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We use geospatial services and software and all forms of artificial intelligence to improve infrastructure support. Examples of our geospatial mapping of transition lines, improves the delivery of utility services. We use the latest geospatial technology to monitor coastline erosion in the delivery of clean water sources. Our mission-critical business delivers IT and fiber optics to improve system design for our commercial services. We formed a building digital group, which marries our building analytics information modeling to deliver our BIM and digital twin platforms that we’ve mentioned previously. This all becomes an integrated part of our transition to the MEP design and to all forms of infrastructure delivery. Our software technology develops a product named ENVISION, you’ve heard, Alex mention that, which enables us to measure sustainable infrastructure delivery.

All of these, this technology helps us to strengthen our core platform and gives us a competitive edge. For this reason, we feel very optimistic about the future growth of NV5 and we feel it gives us a competitive advantage in the marketplace. So we look forward this will complete our call for the quarter and what we’ve done and we look forward to being with you in the second half of the year and we’re very optimistic about the future of NV5. Thank you.

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