NV5 Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:NVEE) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Edward Codispoti: Sure, Mike. So from a conversion standpoint, that conversion rate in Q1 was close to 70%. It was around a 66% conversion rate. As we move forward, there’s different timings around tax payments. And in particular, you’ve heard us talk in the past about 174 (d) that’s the IRS ruling that where we’re unable to capitalize R&D expenses – or sorry, we’re unable to deduct them and we have to capitalize them and then amortize them. And so that’s – over the next 5 years, it’s more of a timing thing doesn’t affect our effective tax rate. But from a cash flow perspective, we’re having to pay more than what we normally would until all of that levels out over the 5 years. And so over the remaining part of the year, that number – those tax payments might increase. And so I would expect the conversion rate to be somewhere between high 40%, say, 48% and 60% range if I had to try to predict that. And I think he got back in line, so…

Dickerson Wright: Okay.

Operator: And ladies and gentlemen, at this time, this concludes our question-and-answer session. I would now like to turn the call back over to Mr. Wright for closing remarks.

Dickerson Wright: Okay. Well, thank you, operator. Thank you, everyone, for listening in today. I thought it would be good to mention some ongoing projects that we have that are not – we’ve spoken a lot about Geospatial, a lot about data centers. But I just wanted to let you know that we really are focused on our engineering projects and also that nexus to what we can bring to a technology to engineering so that we can have an edge in profitability and growth with our competitors. So I just wanted to – during the quarter, I just wanted to mention some areas that we’ve seen strong growth. And in the states, the state of Washington, we won a – the Department of Ecology we won a very significant water project to support the Department of Ecology, L.A. County, the Department of Public Works, we won a significant project to monitor storm water release.

We’ve also won geospatial projects that have the nexus for monitoring our DOTs water use. Also, I think it’s noteworthy in our audiovisual work. We won a significant project in [indiscernible] University and working with their audio-video. The reason I mentioned these is just so that you get a good view that we are continuing to focus domestically and internationally. And the theme is really how do we bring technology to that typical engineering services and how people look at us as growing the business, but also growing it very profitably. So I want to thank you. We had a very good first quarter, but that’s just the beginning. We have work to do, and I want to thank everyone for listening in, and I want to thank everyone that helped produce those first quarter results.

And so now we’ll be speaking to you again at the end of the second quarter. And I’m encouraged about what we see going forward. So thank you, everyone. I appreciate the time you gave us.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s call. And we thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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