Nuvve Holding Corp. (NASDAQ:NVVE) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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And with our advanced platform, we believe that we can extract more value for these batteries than any other player in the space. Such batteries are included into our deployments today with Circle K, the University of California, San Diego, and the University of Delaware. More and more developers and battery manufacturers are coming to us to manage battery deployments that are underway. We see this as the pathway to accelerate growth in megawatts under management and flexing our grid service muscles with over the multiple megawatts in the pipeline. And likely, three, Astrea forecasting capabilities for transport operators or CTOs and utilities. Our fundamental work on predictive analytics, which is based on our partnership with 2021 for AI as well as to developing very advanced features that allow us to predict with a very high level of confidence when an electric vehicle is going to be connected to a charging station and the amount of kilowatt-hour it will need to onboard during the session.

This allows us to offer energy services to CTO companies and provide grid usage forecast utilities. The ability to predict where EV charging bottlenecks seems likely to happen over the subsequent two days or three days is a very valuable service for utilities. The ability to address this by adjusting charging time without impacting end users is critical to enabling an equitable cost of energy while we go through the EV adoption period. Beyond this, we also continue to explore opportunities in the Microgrid and consumer EVC. And with that, we thank all of you not only for joining us today, but for sticking with us during what have been challenging times. Your trusting our vision and technology continues to propel us forward and we remain grateful.

Operator, please open up the line for any questions.


Gregory Poilasne: Thank you very much for listening to us today. We are again very excited about the opportunities that are in front of us and remain available at any time if any of our shareholders has any questions for us. So, thank you very much and have a good evening.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for attending.

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