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Nouriel Roubini on Bitcoin and Other Predictions

In this article, we will share Nouriel Roubini’s Bitcoin views and other predictions. If you want to see more of his predictions, check out 5 Nouriel Roubini Predictions.

He sounded like a madman when he stood at a packed International Monetary Fund conference in 2006 and predicted a global economic recession. But he was a prophet when he returned to the same conference in 2007. Welcome to the world of Nouriel Roubini, a renowned economist born in Istanbul to a Jewish family that has been the center of many economic events that have shaped the world over the past 20 years.

Roubini studied economics in Italy against his parents’ expectations, as they expected him to continue the family legacy in the rug dealing business. As the black sheep of the family, he would go against the grain, going on to obtain a Ph.D. in international economics at Harvard University. A stint at Yale University as an economist lecturer would pave the way for him to take up a teaching position at New York University, bringing him to the global capital of all financial matters.

In a field with dozens of people giving analysis and predictions, Roubini has always stood out owing to his unusual approach to analyzing and predicting the economy. His model is not like any other, as it relies on intuition to predict what is likely to happen. Amid the successes in predicting how the global economy is expected to fare, he has also attracted criticism owing to his relentless prediction of disasters.

He is often referred to as Wall Street’s Doom economist owing to his track record in predicting some of the biggest catastrophes that have engulfed the global economy. He first shone to light in 2006 as he accurately predicted the collapse of the U.S. market that would eventually trigger one of the biggest and most consequential financial crises.

In 2019, at the height of Donald Trump’s presidency, he predicted that an escalating US-China trade war would escalate into a cold war and a currency war. Nothing could be further from the truth as the two countries are entangled in a vicious supremacy war around emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, critical minerals, and semiconductors. Likewise, China is spearheading the creation of a new currency to counter the dollar’s edge as a global reserve currency.

Roubini is also on record predicting that the COVID-19 pandemic would trigger greater depression than the 1930s depression. The pandemic ended up triggering significant supply chain pressures leading to a four-decade high inflation rate in several countries. While the U.S. economy has recovered, the prospect of another recession on the horizon is high.

Source: pixabay

At the height of the pandemic, the U.S. Federal Reserve embarked on an interest rate cut frenzy to stimulate the economy. Cutting interest rates to near zero triggered heightened inflation as growth stagnated. As inflation levels rose to 30-year highs, Roubini warned that the FED would struggle to do what it needs to try to lower inflation levels without triggering a recession. That was the case as inflation rose to about 9.2% representing 40-year highs.

While the FED did embark on an aggressive monetary policy tightening to try and bring inflation below the recommended 2% levels, Roubini has warned that the economy could be heeded to a deep recession. After an aggressive interest rate hike to above the 5% level, the supply of money was reduced significantly, with businesses needing help to access cheap capital needed to accelerate economic activity. Roubini believes the economy is headed toward a deep recession with those thinking of a mild recession are delusional.

Our Methodology

Roubini’s accurate foresight of major economic events has cemented his position as one of the world’s most prominent and reliable economists. In this article, we will explore Roubini’s predictions over the years and what he believes the future will be all about amid the cryptocurrency revolution. This list reviewed Roubini’s major predictions and their impact on the global economy. We ranked them chronologically from when the predictions were made.  Let’s delve into some of his most notable predictions and their impact on the global financial landscape.

10. The Financial Crisis: 2007-2009 

The 2008 financial crisis is arguably one of the biggest economic events that propelled Roubini to prominence. Two years before the global economy plunged into recession, the economist had warned of a potential housing bubble, excessive leverage, and risky financial practices. While at first, he seemed like a prophet of doom, his predictions materialized, affirming his status as one of the ears worth listening to on economic matters.

As early as 2005, the economist had warned that the housing market was in a bubble due to the low-interest rate environment and lax lending standards fueled by speculative demand. It’s his prediction that the housing burst would spill into the financial sector that affirmed his predictions as 2009 saw the implosion of many financial institutions, including the Lehman brothers

His prediction that the financial crisis would severely impact the real economy came true as consumers and businesses were forced to cut spending as the U.S. economy plunged into recession in 2009.

9. European Debt Crisis: 2010-2013

Roubini was one of the first economists to call out the European debt crisis spearheaded by Greece, which eventually had a ripple effect on the entire economic block. As early as 2010, the economist warned that the Eurozone was storing many problems by failing to tackle the debt crisis head-on. He also warned that Greece was insolvent and not in any position to repay its debt without massive restructuring or bailout.

The New York-based economists had also warned that the debt crisis would spill to other European nations, mostly affecting Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Spain; he termed the countries as some that faced massive problems with debt, low growth, and weak competitiveness.

The warnings came true as Greece defaulted on its debt obligations prompting a massive bailout. Greece, Portugal, and Ireland were also bailed out as they faced unsustainable debt levels. The E.U. was forced to thrash out a series of packages to ensure that Greece was funded through 2014.

8. Chinese Economy Bubble Burst:  2011-2013

Roubini once again shot into the limelight in 2011 as he warned that the Chinese economy faced a probability of a hard landing. The warning came amid concerns that the economy was highly dependent on U.S. consumers. At the time, the global economy was running on two engines, the U.S., on one part, as the consumer, and China, on the other hand, as the chief producer.

With the U.S. facing a collapse of consumption and consumer confidence amid plunging housing, auto sales, and durable goods spending, Roubini warned that China’s economy was in big trouble. China being structurally dependent on exports at the time was a big problem, according to Roubini, who feared its hard landing amid waning consumption in the U.S. would end up impacting the global markets.

The economists had warned that the economy would face a hard landing in 2013. However, that did not materialize. While the Chinese economy has faced a number of issues over the years, it has managed to maintain high growth rates and stay afloat.

7. Emerging Market Currency Crisis: 2013-2014

As the U.S. economy returned from the 2009 financial crisis, the federal reserve embarked on tightening monetary policy that included hiking interest rates. In 2013, Roubini warned that increased quantitative tightening and tapering by the FED would trigger significant issues for emerging market economies.

The prediction did come true as the tapering caused emerging markets to face capital outflows and currency depreciation as the U.S. dollar strengthened against the major currencies starting in 2014. The strengthening of the dollar put downward pressure on the exchange rates of emerging markets, especially those with large current account deficits and low foreign exchange reserves.

Amid massive capital outflows, emerging market economies ended up struggling with lower growth and higher inflation. The countries faced higher import costs amid reduced purchasing power on weakened currencies and a stronger dollar.

6. Oil Price Collapse 2014-2015

Amid increased U.S. shale oil production and OPEC members failing to initiate any production cuts, Roubini warned of an imminent collapse in oil prices in 2014. Due to technological advancements, innovation, and efficiency gains, the U.S. shale oil companies ramped up production, consequently putting pressure on prices.

OPEC, on the other hand, failed to stabilize the oil market through production cuts. Roubini warned of the long-term impact of Saudi Arabia’s failure to cut its production quota in 2014 despite the falling process.

The result was the oil market experiencing its biggest price decline in modern history as oil prices fell more than 50% due to a glut in supply.  Oil prices fell from above $70 a barrel to lows of $30 a barrel level. According to Roubini, the price decline was fueled by a slowdown in demand from major oil-importing countries, including China and India.

Roubini’s prediction did come true as the collapse of oil prices had a negative impact on the global economy as growth fell amid higher inflation and financial instability. The collapse also triggered a debt crisis in major oil-exporting countries, including Russia, Venezuela, and Nigeria.

Click to continue reading and see 5 Nouriel Roubini Predictions.

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Disclosure: None. Nouriel Roubini on Bitcoin and Other Predictions is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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