Is it possible that in this high-pressure, high-stress, high-demand world of technology (especially the mobile type), that a company would actually look to be one step ahead of its own work in trying to hype up its latest and greatest thing? Well, it could very well be possible, and why not a company like Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK), which has been struggling in the smartphone market lately, “leak” a product ahead of an official annoucement to generate buzz, when maybe that company wouldn’t generate much on its own? This can be very important for billion-dollar hedge-fund investors in Nokia stock like Jim Simons, who had $18 million invested in Nokia at the end of March (see Jim’s other top holdings in his $28-billion portfolio).
Well, there is a report that a prototype Nokia phone with Windows Phone installed (possibly the new 8) was leaked for some boservation and comments. This new phone, if it truly is the new Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) model, will have some new look from other Nokia phones – most notably, the logo being offset from the center and a different coloring – yellow. No indication whether the phone would be presented in a range of colors or not, but even the prototype yellow is a far cry from past Nokia models.
Nokia has intended to unveil it new models and perhaps its new arrangement with Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) to run the Windows Phone 8 operating system on those phones, at it’s Nokia World Conference in Helsinki. The plan was to make the annoucement of the new phones in early September, just before the planned unveil of iPhone 5, slated for September 12.
It is any step necessary to get the upper hand, and “leaking” a prototype of a new phone model and the announcement of its deal with Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) in offering Windows Phone 8 before the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) juggernaut gets a lot of press might be a wise move for a company like Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK), which needs these new modesl to succeed in order to possibly save itself from complete irrelevance in the market.
Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK) seems to be willing to hitch its horse to the potential success of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and its Windows Phone operating system becomign a viable option to compete for market share with the iOS from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) and the Android system from Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG). And in it’s own way, Microsoft needs Nokia to succeed so it can get that vittal market share – because Apple is married to its own phones, and Samsung has hitched onto Android.
This could be a marriage of convenience, but if leaking prototypes of phones is any indication, this convenience is crucial for Nokia Corporation (NYSE:NOK).