Nextracker Inc. (NASDAQ:NXT) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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And which is it’s good for the company. But it’s mainly around and we’ve shown that we are both global leaguer — leader in market share. Okay. But we’re just — we’re really conveying that to all of our employees at the company, focused on the comps — customer, focus on innovation, differentiation, delivering value, lowering the cost of energy. I think that a 40 year design life highest quality, highest rollout reliability DNA and that breeds success. Thanks for your question.

Mary Lai: We have time for one more question. Operator?

Operator: Our final question comes from Moses Sutton with BNP. Please proceed.

Moses Sutton: Hi. Thanks for squeezing me in. Just a quick one on TrueCapture. So you noted, it’s slightly better software attached. Any way to quantify this at all maybe the cumulative installed gigawatt number, how much has changed on a quarter-over-quarter, year-over-year. Just anything that could help us on the TrueCapture side to the numbers. Thanks, again.

David Bennett: Moses, thanks for your question. As we have kept introducing new features on TrueCapture like Split Boost [indiscernible], we’ve seen increasing uptake on our TrueCapture fleet. And as I mentioned you can visually see it. So we reached few people to watch those videos we have on YouTube. Well, we’ll go in deeper on your question after next quarter when we do the annual guidance.

Moses Sutton: Okay. Thanks again. Congratulations.

Daniel Shugar: Thank you, Moses.

Mary Lai: Great. Thank you everyone joining the call. This concludes our call. Thank you.

Operator: This will conclude today’s conference call. Thank you all for your participation. You may now disconnect your line.

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