3. B2 Events NYC
B2 Events is such an interesting concept because it is the only business we have come across that offers events for tweens and their parent or another caregiver. It is definitely one of the New York City’s most unique classes that will blow you away! Most classes offered across most platforms are either something along the lines of a “Mommy and me” class for very young children, or a class for older kids and teens that completely excludes the family. What B2 Events does is something in the middle: it provides cool, entertaining activities for tweens to do along with their parents or caretakers. This is wonderful, as many kids of this age tend to have less and less time to spend with important adults in their lives, and less and less in common with them. The events are geared toward being attractive to both adults and tweens, and they encompass a wide variety of interests, from art to fitness to local adventures. It can be difficult to make enough time to spend with a preteen or teenager, especially considering school work, sports, dance classes, sleepovers, camps, etc; yet, children of this age do still desire spending quality time and making memories with their parents. The courses are offered as one-time lessons in fun topics, which allows families to get a nice taste of a variety of areas.
