NeuroPace, Inc. (NASDAQ:NPCE) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Michael Favet: Yes. Thanks, Drew. I think it’s too early to comment on any specifics about halo effect. But I will comment that some of the centers that are participating in the NAUTILUS studies are centers that are not doing a lot of RNS, not doing very much RNS with the focal epilepsy indication. And so that’s providing an opportunity for us to have more touch time with them, talking about the RNS system and the benefit that’s there. I do think there is some halo effect back to the already approved indication within those centers. And so, I think that’s — it’s all a good thing for us to have more talk points and more touch points with a broader set of clinicians talking about and patients talking about the benefit of response neuromodulation.

As we think about the impact of the DIXI Medical revenue and where there could be other opportunities, I’m not going to comment on that specifically. We do have a top-end sales organization selling now DIXI product as well as the RNS system in the U.S., and we’ll be always creatively looking for how can we’d be able to make the most of it, but nothing specific that I would comment on for 2023.

Operator: And I am showing no further questions. I would now like to turn the call back over to Mike for closing remarks.

Michael Favet: Great. Thank you all for your participation today. I look forward to talking to you again on our Q1 earnings or at upcoming investor conferences. Have a good evening.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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