NeuroOne Medical Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ:NMTC) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Dave Rosa: Well, it’s not like you’re starting over from scratch to develop this. Now if you were going to develop your own drug pump, that obviously would add to the time. But what we’re trying to do is to really leverage the design that we have now to be able to do this with an off the shelf system to the drug pump. So near term revenue, I mean it depends on how you define near term. I mean this is not expected to be a PMA with an extremely long development process. But we have to make sure that we can deliver the drug in an efficacious way because there are things that you have to take into consideration in terms of backflow and even drug dispersion that we’ve only done some initial testing on. So if your question is really like in the next 6 months, no, I don’t think we’ll be ready to generate revenue in that timeframe, but the goal here is to expedite this as quickly as we can.

And I do think Ben that the feedback that we have is that, it would not only have a place for research studies, but it could also have clinical benefit. So with the device in place, you could deliver a drug theoretically through the lumen and actually see the impact to the brain tissue that a neurosurgeon is intending to remove. And depending upon the reaction to that drug, it may inform the surgeon that this may not be a good thing to do to remove this particular tissue. So there’s definitely some therapeutic benefit to what this can do clinically as well. And we’re investigating whether or not we can proceed with this with a 510(k).

Ben Haynor: Okay. Okay. So stay tuned there. And then lastly for me, regarding the spinal cord, still electrode, anything we should be on the lookout there for in kind of the near term maybe on potential for a partnership agreement?

Dave Rosa: Yes. That I can’t talk about because I mean there is a possibility, but there’s really nothing I can report at this time. I do think you’ll see some additional reports on just preclinical testing that we’re doing and really in particular how we’re going about it. But as far as any strategic discussions and things like that, that’s going to take some time assuming that it continues to move forward. So really can’t talk anymore about that.

Ben Haynor: Okay, got it. Thanks for taking the questions guys and congrats on the progress.

Dave Rosa: Thanks, Ben.

Operator: And we have reached the end of the question-and-answer session. And I’ll turn now – turn the call over to Dave Rosa for closing remarks.

Dave Rosa: I just want to again thank everyone for joining the call today. Please stay tuned for future progress. I think we really think it’s going to be an exciting year this year with respect to the new technology that we’ve been developing. Thanks again and have a good evening.

Operator: And this concludes today’s conference. And you may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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