NeoGenomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NEO) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Chris Smith: Do you want to talk a little bit about contracting? We have like 200 payer contracts, but how’d you talk to managed care runway?

Jeff Sherman: Yeah. So managed care was another area. Just pricing — we also have a pricing lever, which is from our direct line bill, where we can do pricing, and that’s about 65% of our clinical revenue. The remaining third is managed care contracting, and we’ve added resources to really go after in a more coordinated, sophisticated way pricing improvement in our — on our managed care side of the business. So, it’s multifaceted, and that’s why we think we have — we’re we still have room to run over the next, couple of years in this area.

Puneet Souda: Got it. Super. That’s — thanks for all the insights there. And then, one more on, labor inflation was a bit of a concern early on. And then, cost of goods was a concern, continues to be a concern for some of the labs, but just maybe — just talk to us overall about labor costs, and inflation that you’re seeing. And do you see, the layoffs among the biotechs, and some of the diagnostics companies out there, potentially giving you an opportunity in the hiring landscape, to address some of those concerns in the market? Thank you.

Chris Smith: Well, look, I definitely think when some companies have gotten out over their skis, and they do some type of change from a financial perspective, we definitely look for great teammates. I mean, I think our people are our greatest asset, so I think anytime we can add there. I think the other thing that’s really helped us is we’re pretty diverse on where we are. I mean, we have wet labs in Houston, in Orange County, and Fort Myers, and Raleigh. And so, I think that we feel incredibly good about the labor pools in those markets, and our ability to attract and keep great talent. So, we have not seen a big impact. Look, I will say that, our view is that we want to make sure that we hire the best, and we pay them fairly, but I wouldn’t say that we’ve had a big impact.

The one thing, and again, this came out of my pre-remarks is that, we really — Neo didn’t really spend a lot of time around purchasing and procurement, and we spent, as you can imagine, millions and millions and millions of dollars, and so one thing that has changed over the last six months, we bring in a chief procurement officer, and our ability to put some systems in place that we think allows us to do a much better job of managing the purchasing side of the business.

Puneet Souda: Got it. Okay. Super. I think all the RaDaR questions are covered, so I’m good. Thank you.

Chris Smith: All right. Thanks so much.

Operator: Okay. We have reached the end of the question-and-answer session. I will now turn the call over to management for any closing remarks.

Chris Smith: Okay. So for the folks, who are still on, look, we really appreciate you taking the time. It was a busy day in our sector, and the market, so thanks for hanging in there with us and learning a little bit about what happened in the Q3, and look, we’ll look forward to coming back to you with the Q4 results sometime after the first year. Until then, take care.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes today’s conference. And you may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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