The Native-American actors who walked off the set of the movie being made by Adam Sandler for Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) are brave.
That is according to The Washington Post’s Alyssa Rosenberg who writes that not only have these actors voiced their concern about racism in the movie, they have also jeopardized income not only from the Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) production but from future projects as well.
“The decision to quit ‘The Ridiculous Six’ is particularly fraught and risky, given how few roles Native American actors get to play in Hollywood,” Rosenberg writes.
According to The Washington Post writer, Native Americans had only less than 1% of all the rolse on either broadcast or cable television in the 2012-2013 season, according to the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles’ 2015 Hollywood Diversity Report.
For its part, Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) is defending its movie and Adam Sandler.
“The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous. It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of — but in on — the joke,” the company says in a statement it has released after the incident.
According to the Indian Country Today Media Network, the actors voiced their concern about the movie to the producers but were told to either ignore what they found offensive or quit the movie.
Actor Loren Anthony is quoted by the news organization saying that he was told the movie would be a comedy and that it would not be racist. He initially did not agree to do the movie, Anthony said.
Another actor named Allison Young said that producers actually told the Native Americans who complained that, “If you guys are so sensitive, you should leave.” Young said she could not help but cry after hearing that from the producers.
Rosenberg writes for The Washington Post that because roles for Native American actors are so scarce, it shows how brave the actors were for walking away from the project.
“It’s one thing to walk away from a production that you think is abusive, a project that has been misrepresented or a situation where your technical expertise is being misused if you have other opportunities. It’s something very different, and altogether braver, to do so when you know that even a degrading opportunity might not come again,” she writes.
She says that the decision of the actors to leave the project has put Netflix and Sandler in a difficult position. Furthermore, the move has “laid down another market for all actors” and for Hollywood, she writes.
Sandler signed a four-film deal with Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) last October. “The Ridiculous Six,” the first movie in the deal, is a Netflix exclusive.
Carl Icahn’s Icahn Capital LP owned about 1.41 million Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) shares by the end of the last quarter of 2014.
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