The 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones on the Market

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Most expensive mobile phones: Few of us could imagine their day to day life without their beloved mobile phone – that little gadget that keeps us connected to our loved ones, our business partners, and the latest news. While the importance of a mobile phone in today’s society is pretty much undeniable, the prices some are willing to pay for this gadget are nothing short of mind-blowing. With that being said, we would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the world’s 10 most expensive mobile phones. In a style similar to our coverage of the Internet’s biggest online stores, let’s take a look.

No. 10: Nokia Arte 8800


Public Domain Image: Public Domain

Price tag: $134,000

The Nokia Arte can definitely be considered a piece of art. Designed by Peter Aloisson, this mobile phone is entirely made out of 18k white gold and features more than 600 pink and white diamonds.

See the rest of the world’s most expensive mobile phones on the following pages:

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