The 8 Most Expensive Boats In The World

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Wondering which are the most expensive boats in the world? Cruising the seas, the wind in your hair, and nothing but clear blue water surrounding you: that’s a pretty hard to beat experience. Well, some people have chosen to further enhance the feeling by sailing in luxury.

We have compiled a list of the world’s 8 most expensive and luxurious boats, in a similar fashion to our list of the world’s most expensive homes. Our countdown focuses more on yacht type boats, rather than commercial or military vessels. Curious to see what we have come up with?

Let’s take a look:

No 8: Octopus

Public Domain Image: Public Domain

Price tag: $200 million
Owner: Paul Allen (Microsoft co-founder)
Length: 414 feet

This particular boat bears more resemblance to a military vessel, rather a private yacht. It even comes complete with two helicopters and a submarine.

No 7: Rising Sun

Price tag:  $200 million
Owner: David Geffen (media mogul)
Length: 453 feet

This massive yacht features everything from a basketball court and helipad to a wine cellar and movie theater. The Rising Sun pretty much resembles a luxurious mansion floating on the seas.

See the rest of the world’s most expensive boats on the following pages:

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