Mogo Inc. (NASDAQ:MOGO) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Adhir Kadve: And then maybe just on the marketing, you guys have historically, always had a very strong user base, 2 million users for as long as I can remember. When you think about investing in marketing, how will you balance that investing in trying to acquire new users or will you kind of just push the new products to your current user base? Just kind of give us — how to think about that balance as we head into 2024 and the growth aspect?

Dave Feller: I mean, obviously, at the end of the day, we’re going to continue to focus on leveraging our member base. Obviously, our member base at the end of the day it’s all about efficiency. So obviously, acquiring, converting an existing member into any of our products is always going to be kind of priority number one. On the external marketing, we’ve always been very kind of disciplined and focused as relates to efficiency there as well. I mean, we track very closely our cost of customer acquisition, the customer payback, how quickly do we get that acquisition cost paid back and ultimately, tie that into the lifetime value of the customer. And then we continue to kind of optimize that based on what we’re seeing. Part of that also comes to there’s different customers out there, different segments.

Same thing in lending, all customers aren’t equal. Same thing on the wealth side, right? We’re really focusing on growing assets. So obviously, you’ll have different customer segments that are obviously worth more than other segments as well. And so as we continue to go out there with our paid marketing develop kind of those profiles, figure out what those LTVs are and what the appropriate CAC is, in the long run, it really becomes kind of a balanced blend of the two, right? So I think that’s the way we look at it.

Adhir Kadve: And maybe just one last one for me, just in terms of the broader optimization cost efficiency that you’re looking at. Of course, we’ve seen the strong EBITDA performance over the last six quarters. But is that largely behind you? I guess, are you guys all done with that? Or — and if you’re not, what else needs to kind of be done on those broader initiatives?

Greg Feller: So as I mentioned in my comments, we actually do still have some additional initiatives that we are working on, including our migration to the cloud. But what we’re expecting to do is to take a lot of those savings and invest it in growth. So we are going to be less focused on just driving absolute OpEx down and more focused on driving a combination of EBITDA, positive EBITDA and accelerating top line revenue is how we’re going to balance it going forward. So again, we do have additional initiatives but we do expect to use that freed up capital to invest in growth initiatives.

Operator: Thank you. We have no further questions. I will turn the call back over for closing comments.

Dave Feller: Okay. Well, thanks again for joining us on our Q3 call. We look forward to updating you post Q4. Thanks again.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes your conference call for today. We thank you for participating, and we ask that you please disconnect your lines.

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