And in this quite difficult to foresee business environment, the strengths of balance sheet matters. So that is always taken into account in deciding share buyback. So if there is any good projects, then we would do the share buyback. No, not that sort of direct linkage. So if there’s a divesture, a good opportunity for us. We have to take a comprehensive judgment. And if we decide that this is appropriate to fund the share buyback compared to other testing items. If we decide that this is significant or this sound in terms of business management, then we make decisions. So we are making such comprehensive decisions, and that’s what I like you to understand. Thank you.
Unidentified Company Representative: I have two questions. First, this time, the announcement, Q2 in energy, there was a decline. And if you only look at Q2, there are segments which are in red. So because of the Forex situation, it’s very difficult to see the underlying profit. And you changed the revised JPY170 billion. So what is the level of that profit or quarterly profit or others excluding the one-time? I think that the underlying profit is about JPY245 billion level. So what is the current level of the underlying profit at this moment, if you have such understanding or image? My second question is kind of overlapping. So chemicals and iron and steel products, we are seeing some weaknesses. On Page 16, you have changed the forecast.
So I think that the [2 billion] is the change. And you mentioned, so there are some differences among the segments. So what I would like to know is that some weakening segments, are you clearly seeing them? Are you seeing some slowing down? If you only look at the numbers, it gives me the impression that there are some slowing down. So are there any segments which we need to be more careful about? Do you see such a tendency? That’s my second question.
Kenichi Hori: Thank you for your questions. You asked multiple questions about our underlying profit. If I may talk about the macroeconomic situation, I think that the tendency is going to intensify. I think that when you look at our earnings as a whole logistics distribution, and also that we have investees and group companies and trading, and we steadily increased the flow business. And also by replacing the portfolio there could be some profit and in some cases through exiting. There are probably pluses and minuses, but we have to look at the net number. And as for the business model, rather than the earnings, while we are holding, we can also get the profit through exist. And we already have a model of that. So if you look at the comprehensive picture, I think, you really need to look at this overall base profit.
It’s becoming more and more complicated. So I think we have to make sure that we have a very good communication with you. So as a trading company, especially in our case, we have a trading and investing and others. So I think we really need to have a comprehensive perspective. So you are asking us our underlying profit looking at the latest numbers. In energy, and the difference between the first half and second half are becoming clearer. And if I may explain that, so in trading with the delivery at the realized profit just happens that in the second half we have a higher concentration. So the dividend from the associated companies and also if you look at the timing of the exiting and so forth, there are positive for the full-year. In energy as our underlying profit, I think you really need to look at the full-year plan or budget.