Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (PNK:MITSY) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Unidentified Company Representative: Any other questions? No other questions. It seems that there are no additional questions. So we would like to end the Q&A session now. Lastly, as we announced via email on the November 30, Thursday from 3:00 PM, we have our Investor Day. Our President, Hori; CFO, Shigeta; CSO, Sato; and Daikoku, Senior Executive Managing Officer, will make presentations and the Director Uchiyamada and Audit and Supervisory Board Member, Tamai; and President Hori; and Vice President, Takemasu will be in the panel discussion on human capital. It’ll be held at Otemachi Mitsui Hall, it’ll be the hybrid event, and we wait for your participation. And with that, we’d like to end today’s briefing. Thank you for your participation.

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