But, of course, the fact is allocated to different areas. So for each of the factors we are seeing increases and decreases. Therefore, I hope you’ll be able to consider those factors in total. And as for your second question. Of course, we had maintenance period, but through the maintenance, I didn’t see any issues. Well, this is regarding the operation, so I will not be specific, but we can say that there were no major issues. But the operation has been going on for a long time. Therefore, we have expertise from different partners’ efforts from the past, and the expertise has been accumulating at the field. So that is how we are responding. Thank you. And about the sensitivity, I mentioned, this is about the payer side, so please look at our numbers from the payer side.
Thank you very much.
Unidentified Company Representative: Thank you very much. Are there any other questions? I have two questions. The downside protection for the profit. As I listened to your presentation, there are management efforts to strengthen that. But at present, what are your thoughts on that? Can you just share that with us? Second question is about share buyback, JPY50 billion up to January is what you said. And this is based on cash flow probably. But, after that, on the continuous basis, more specifically, by the end of this fiscal year, there could be one more round. Potentially if you can also comment on that would be appreciated.
Kenichi Hori: Thank you for the questions. In today’s Q&A as for the downside of protection, I mentioned, several times, so I’m not going to repeat that. But as for the downside system, it is the mindset of the managers that matters in the company. Especially, there are so many unexpected events happening around the world, so you have to be agile and you always have to be ready with alternatives all the time. And you cannot say that this is enough. So you have to be always be ready for responding to those challenges. And in autumn, the whole portfolio is now being re-looked at. In the spring, the business plan is being put together, but after six months in autumn, we will revisit each one of those business projects in the business portfolio in the company.
And as for the downside risk, is there anything that we can do? Or is there any concern that we have in terms of scenario analysis? We’re talking to corporate functions and that is exactly where we are now at this time of the year. But because of this business environment and in this Asian era, we are strengthening that effort. And so those efforts have to be accumulated. So fundamentally, you have to keep enhancing the fundamental power of each business. That is what we have – have to have as a mindset. And bad news has to be communicated soon. And if you see that bad information, you have to take action. So you have to always have a higher awareness, and that is what we need to continue to do. And with regard to the shareholder return, to your second question, the share buyback was announced, but beyond that, we’re not in a position to tell anymore.
So in the whole framework that we have shared with you, we would like to continue to give more thoughts. And on a timely basis, as soon as we are ready, we would like to share that information with you. So throughout the future dialogues with you, we’d like to give you the information. So I don’t think it’s appropriate to give you any preview today. So we just confirmed a whole framework and the progress that we’ve made, and that is what we are going to continue to do. Thank you.