And when we feel confident in promoting and proceeding with it, we will be making announcement to you. So we are very selective and we continue to be selective. And for the future, in order to have a good basis for the earnings. Continuously, we need to pursue the different projects and also, we want to be disciplined to scrutinize each one of them. And we are in the various businesses at the same time. So whether the businesses or projects are good and at certain time, we need to continuously monitor. And I think we have a mechanism to do so because there are so many candidates. So in that sense, the growth investment need to be managed by the management team. I hope that answers your question. Thank you very much.
Unidentified Company Representative: Any other question? I would like to ask two questions. My first question is on Page 15 about increases and decrease. So I believe that, of course, the interest is something that is impacting. So, of course, the sensitivity and how much of an rising interest rate is going to impact the business. If you could explain that, it would be appreciated. And in addition, it was explained earlier with the rising interest rate. How would you be able to enhance the earning power in order to improve that net profit? That is a question. And the second question about Sakhalin II, I think it was in July or August of this year, there has been some kind of maintenance after Shell has been excluded from the project. And it happens every two years. If there were no issues, that’s fine. However, if there are any implication from the maintenance, please let us know.
Masao Kurihara: Thank you very much for the question. Well, the foreign exchange sensitivity will be answered by the CFO later, but when the cost for interest rate goes up, how are we going to transfer that to the business, I believe is your question. Well, dependent on the industry, I think, how they do it is different. However, recently, it is going well in the mobility business and that is being maintained. But the product mix, I think will be the deciding matter, lease, the rental, the management of the fleets, so we are in contact with the consumers through that business. So credit given is something that we need to look at as well. So we have to have variety of menus and where do we put the weight is going to be very important.
Where should we have the actual assets is going to be very important as well. Therefore, we need to have a flexible decision making and we need to have the tools necessary. I think that is very important. And also when we make investments, the interest rate cost is going to be higher. And if that is the case, the M&A with debt, I think that is possible. However, we need to have a good return analysis, whether that is being done and against that debt, we need to take safe measures for that business. So in other words, long-term stability, that needs to be looked at very carefully. So I think we need to look at all these ideas. And of course, the CFO unit and business units are working closely together to make that possible. Can you talk about sensitivity, please?
Yes. I want to talk about procurement of the company. So it’s a long-term procurement, and the interest rate is variable. That is a basis. So this is just a rougher calculation that we do have. In yen it’s a 0.1%, before tax, I think it’s about JPY2 billion plus or minus. And in U.S. dollars, basically for foreign currency loans, it’ll be based on U.S. dollars 0.1%, and before tax about 2.5 billion. That is a test calculation that we have. But as a President said, of course, with the interest rate going up, there maybe some impact on the Forex and of course, price transfer. And also transferring to business is something that we need to look at as factors. And as a waterfall chart showed, if we look at the items, it’ll be shown on the top left on that page.