Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:MIRM) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Jonathan Wolleben: Just on CHENODAL and CHOLBAM, I’m wondering if you could talk a little bit about the early experience with those products and then also the genetic testing. What kind of leverage do you think that will give you for LIVMARLI down the road? And then how should we think about, CTX approval and its potential impact on sales?

Christopher Peetz: Yes, thanks for the question, Jon. It’s been really exciting to bring these products and the genetic testing into Mirum. Yes, and I commented on some of the dynamics in the script, our Liver team now is focused on promoting both LIVMARLI and CHOLBAM to pediatric hepatologists, as well as kind of having a leadership role with the cholestasis genetic testing, which really kind of enhances the value proposition that the Mirum team can bring to our customers. The prescribers and other healthcare professionals certainly improve access and ability to kind of having reasons to be in front of their customers. So really excited about what this is doing for Mirum’s profile and supporting LIVMARLI’s growth. So I think that’s one point.

And then, yes, as we move forward into 2024, 2025, continue to expect the bile acid products to deliver low to mid-single-digit growth. We think we can — we’re excited about the investments we can make in CTX and trying to increase the diagnosis rate there, find more patients, find them earlier when we probably have a larger impact.

Operator: [Operator Instructions]. I can confirm we have no further questions. So I’d like to turn the call back over to Chris for any final remarks.

Christopher Peetz: Great. Thank you for joining today’s call. Just as a note to close out here, it has been a strong quarter for Mirum, the biggest ever quarter of revenue. Additional medicines in the portfolio, multiple clinical and regulatory catalysts ahead, and strong balance sheet. Have a great evening. Goodbye.

Operator: Thank you all for joining. I can confirm that does conclude today’s call. Please have a lovely rest of your day, and you may now disconnect your lines.

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