Miller Value Partners Deep Value Strategy’s Q2 2024 Investor Letter

Miller Value Partners, an investment management company, released its “Deep Value Strategy” second-quarter 2024 investor letter. The second quarter saw the continuation of the narrow leadership in the equities market, with smaller cap and lower value indices lagging behind the broader market. In contrast, the majority of large-cap indexes had positive gains. In the second quarter, Strategy returned 12.84% (net of fees) well ahead of S&P 1500 Value Index’s -2.25 % return and the S&P 600 Value Index’s -4.85% returns. The strategy returned 15% (net of fees) year to date, compared to 5.17% and -4.72% returns for the indexes. The strategy benefitted from its very high active share in Q2. In addition, please check the fund’s top five holdings to know its best picks in 2024.

A copy of Miller Value Partners Deep Value Strategy’s Q2 2024 investor letter can be downloaded here.