Office 365 for Students: It appears that generosity in the tech world is not dead quite yet. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has announced plans to offer Office 365 to students for free.
This means one of two things: the company is extremely generous or it is looking for a way to grab hold of the student market.
Of course, there is a catch. Those who decide to take advantage will only be able to do so for a period of six months.
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With this offer, students will receive three free months of Office 365 University along with an extra 20GB of SkyDrive storage. Making things even better, those who share the office on Facebook are going to receive another three months free.
After the six months is up, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is hoping the students will enjoy the product so much that they make a purchase.
Note: those who are not a student are able to try Office 365 Home Premium free for one month.
Students who are interested in getting started will find this information useful from the Microsoft Windows FAQ Page:
“Begin by entering your .edu email address on the site You will then receive an email with a link to set up your 3 month subscription. As part of the set up process online, you will be asked to create or sign into a Microsoft account. This account will be used to manage your Office installs and benefits available for you as part of the subscription.”
Even though Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is not offering the software free for life, it is nice to see the company taking it easy on students. After all, most college students don’t tons of excess money to spend on software programs.
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DISCLOSURE: I have no positions in any stock mentioned.
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