Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Surface Pro Dazzles Despite Naysayers

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A matter of perspective
Given the fact that most everyone who has reviewed the new Surface Pro describes the clinical experience in similar terms — meaning it is the response to that experience that is different — reality must be largely a matter of perspective. To start with my suspicions first, I believe many of the naysayers are those same Apple fans than abhor the idea of any legitimate competition. This group is likely to find fault with any device without the familiar Apple logo emblazoned on the side or back.

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) die-hards are likely willing to overlook even egregious missteps if they can throw their weight behind a device that does not hail from Cupertino. Many of these arguments may be equally lacking in reason, but after years of name-calling it is hard to blame them. Deciphering the truth requires a healthy bit of skepticism.

Ultimately, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has landed upon a brilliant concept that is well executed, but far from perfect. The company likely was forced to sacrifice on weight and battery life in order to cram a full laptop processor into a tablet form factor. Likewise, in order to stick with the tablet scheme, memory and capabilities could not hope to measure up to a full-blown laptop. At the end of the day, for many users, I think the flexibility to do some tablet work, while still having the option of carrying a 2-pound laptop in their briefcases will have appeal.

Microsoft is blazing a trail into a new space and it should be well rewarded. The hardware itself will only improve from here, and should be a critical driver for Microsoft. I will be honestly shocked if Apple does not respond to this device in some meaningful way, but time will tell. In the meantime, I believe Microsoft is a buy on the release.

The article Microsoft Surface Pro Dazzles Despite Naysayers originally appeared on and is written by Doug Ehrman.

Fool contributor Doug Ehrman has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Apple. The Motley Fool owns shares of Apple and Microsoft.

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