Editor’s Note: Related tickers: Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK), Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)‘s Windows Phone platform lags its major competitors as far as the number of apps is concerned. Android devices have more than 1 million apps available, and iOS devices have more than 900,000. In comparison, Windows Phone devices have just 165,000. According to Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) VP Bryan Biniak, this is largely Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s fault. Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) chose Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s Windows Phone platform over Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)‘s Android because the company felt Windows Phone could better differentiate itself from the competition. Biniak, speaking to the International Business Times recently, said that Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) has done its part to make compelling Windows Phone devices. He hinted, however, that Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) doesn’t necessarily think Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is doing its part.
Should Microsoft make Office available on iPad? (ITWorldCanada)
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) recent $900 million write down of if Surface RT tablet is one big good reason for the software company to consider making its productivity suite Office available on Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)‘s iPad and Android tablet devices, according to one analyst. Such a move will insulate Office from the risk of users switching to alternative software, according to J.P. Gownder, principal analyst for research firm Forrester Research. …Last week, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) reported revenues of $19.90 billion but also admitted it had to swallow a $900 million charge related to the disappointing sales numbers of its Windows Surface RT tablet.
Microsoft Claim To Be Selling Below Own Targets (WorldTVPC)
Their involvement in the technology industry has often been a critical one, but American company Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) are not performing well in the most modern era, including by their own admission, after their CEO claimed that they are not selling as many products as they had anticipated. During an ‘internal Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) event’, Steve Ballmer, speaking of the lack of Windows-brand sales compared to expectations, gave specific mention to the Surface RT tablet computer line, which has so far caused the company a loss of $900m and a $185 reduction on its original unit price. Speaking of the Surface RT hybrid product (believed to have 6 million units unsold at present), Ballmer stated simply: “We built a few more devices than we could sell.”
Microsoft Corporation Is Doing Well Where It Counts, Poorly Everywhere Else (Nasdaq)
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s second-quarter earnings report wasn’t a disaster. It may have seemed that way to investors, coming at the end of a three-month 25% rally, but what it revealed was a company doing some things right, and some things wrong. For Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), that’s business as usual. The glaring problem was the Windows division. Sales fell 6% year-over-year, reflecting a 15% decline in revenue from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, i.e. PC) sales. IDC and Gartner both reported that PC shipments declined 11% in the second quarter, which suggests that inventory drawdown might have eaten into Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s top line. The weak results cannot be blamed on Windows 8 alone, as Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) also reported a 7% decline in Macintosh shipments.