When it comes to the online search game, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) is doing everything it can to compete with Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG). By providing a unique experience, the company has found itself slowly but surely grabbing more market share.
Will MSFT ever be able to chase down GOOG from behind? Nobody knows the answer to this question, however, the company’s Bing search engine continues to grow with each passing day.
In a recent Bing search blog post, Scott Erickson, Senior Director, Brand and Creative, talked about the search engine’s new visual identity. He noted that this did not happen overnight, but that the company spent many months considering the best way to update the look of what Bing brings to the public.
Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Bing Logo Development
Designing a new logo is never simple, especially when you are dealing with a brand that is as established as Bing. To ensure success, the company looked at what was and was not working with the old logo. According to Erickson they “did hundreds of studies to look at motion, font, color, size and form.
With the new Bing identity in place, it is time for Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) to put it to good use in the near future.
In the blog post, Erickson makes note that MSFT did not “set out to just provide data via blue links on the web.”
Is that a shot at Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)? Maybe, maybe not. It does show, however, that the company is looking to do more with search than any competitor.
According to a recent Wall Street Journal piece, Bing has a lot of catching up to do. As of last month, Google sites held onto roughly 67 percent of US based searches, compared to right around 18 percent for Microsoft.
Although the gap between Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Bing and Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is big right now, it has not stopped it from making changes, such as to its visual identity, with hopes of closing in slowly but surely.
It will be interesting to see how people take to some of these changes. What do you think about this?
The following hedge fund managers continue to invest heavily in MSFT, and hope that Bing will grow more and more in the years to come:
William Duhamel, James Litinsky, Jeffrey Ubben, Kelly Cardwell, and Sandy Nairn.
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