Mercantile Bank Corp. (MBWM)’s 4th Quarter 2014 Earnings Result Conference Call Transcript

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We are also looking at potential sources of new non-interest income involving fee structure and frequency with a special focus on relationship based pricing on various products. Additionally, we have an initiate that focuses on gaining efficiency and all our areas of organization including revisiting processes and procedures, then are relations and supply procurement as well as facility maintenance issues. Finally, we are exploring new customer sales opportunities resulting from customer dislocation and some of our competitive banks have been recently acquired in our markets. Although my prepared comments, I would be happy to answer questions during the Q and A and turn it back over to Mike now.

Michael H. Price – President and Chief Executive Officer

Thank you Bob and also thank you Chuck for your comments. Andrew its time we’d like to open up the conference for questions.


We will now begin the question and answer session. To ask a question you may press star then 1 on your touch tone phone. If you are using a speaker phone please pick up your handset before pressing the keys. To withdraw your question please press star and then 2. At this time, we will pause momentarily to assemble our roster. The first question comes from Damon Demachi of KBW. Please go ahead.

Damon Demachi – KBW:

Good Morning guys, how are you? The last thing that was being discussed regarding the, like looking up facilities and things like that. Is that a more a broad day expansion that you are looking to employ in 2015?

Robert B. Kaminski Jr. – Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary

We are looking at how we manage our facilities on a global basis, because in parts of the merger our facilities were handled different manners throughout the organization. Centralize everything, it is done consistently in a manner that’s consistent throughout the company and it will take some of those responsibilities away from the people that are on the front line and allow them to do more positive things such as selling to customers, so taking some of those back from function and centralizing them for gain in efficiency.

Damon Demachi – KBW:

Okay, and would that include the actual physical location of the branches of the foot prints? Do you have any intention of you know doing some sort of branch optimization?

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