Macy’s, Inc. (NYSE:M) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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All the surveys that we’ve seen would indicate that the value is going to be an important driver for the customer. So as we think about our initial ticket our promotions, our markdowns, we expect to manage through that as best we can, but the good news is we have the pricing signs to be able to do that, looking at sell-throughs, looking at the available inventory by rotation, looking at the product outdate. So we feel good about where we are starting the quarter, and we feel good about our plans going through the quarter.

Operator: We will take our next question from Ashley Helgans from Jefferies. Your line is open. Please go ahead.

Ashley Helgans: Any initial learnings you can share about the new marketplace model. And then we’re just curious what’s driving the larger basket sizes and units per order?

Jeff Gennette: All right, so let’s talk about marketplace. So we launched it successfully earlier in the quarter. And I think the big thing on the marketplace is that it’s not a flip to switch like it’s a fully formed organism on our site. We’re adding new content every single day as we continue to scale this. Right now, we’re really bringing on new brands, products and categories, really focused on premium third-party sellers. And the overall objective here is it’s a low-risk way for us to introduce new customers or take care of existing customers on signals that — where we didn’t have content in either owned or VDF inventory in the past. And that’s without shouldering the inventory liability. It’s too early to quantify a lot of the detail with it, but let me just tell you a couple of headlines.

The first one is that it’s attracting younger customers. That’s and when you think about that higher basket size and the higher units per order, a lot of that is mixed baskets between either owned inventory or VDF inventory. So that’s a real positive sign. What I’d say is that when you have a new customer who’s coming into marketplace, almost all of them are cross-shopping in the balance of Macy’s. We’re excited about the fact that we’re going to continue to develop this. We’re excited about adding Bloomingdale’s marketplace next year. And we’re hitting our objectives. Too early to talk about any more specifics on it. We’ll give you more detail on future calls.

Ashley Helgans: And then, if I just thrown one more. Any color

Jeff Gennette: Ashley, if you’re on mute

Operator: We’ll take our next question from Kimberly Greenberger. Your line is open. Please go ahead.

Kimberly Greenberger: Jeff, obviously, it sounds to us like you’re really navigating the short-term ups and downs pretty well. So I wanted to just turn an eye towards 2023. We understand you’re not providing guidance for 2023 today. But we’re just interested in understanding how you’re thinking about it kind of big picture. We here on our side don’t have a lot of visibility in sales trends. I’m not sure how you feel about that. So I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you think that visibility is low as well, maybe you can talk through how you’re approaching your spring and summer inventory buys. And Adrian, if you could just call out any notable headwinds or tailwinds that you see on the horizon in 2023, that would be super helpful.

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