LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (NYSE:LYB) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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A €“Peter Vanacker: Yes. Good question, of course. As we go into the markets with an entire portfolio, so we have a reasonable part of the portfolio, we have the circular part of the portfolio, which is either mechanical recycled or advanced recycled. We are in the market €“ I mean, with the entire family. Yvonne will give more insights in our go-to market during the Capital Markets Day also with our aspirations that we have by having set up this strategic business units, Currently, this is a market which is extremely short. Demand is substantially higher than the supply in the market. So we’re completely sold out in the products that we have available. The premiums that we are getting are quite attractive. Yes. I’m not going to put a number on it as we speak. You’ve heard numbers, I mean, from other calls. And I can say we are at least on that level. That said, Yvonne will be more insights on the aspirations that we have during the Capital Markets Day.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our time allowed for questions. I’ll turn the floor back to Mr. Vanacker for any final comments.

Peter Vanacker : Thank you very much, and thanks again. Very good questions, very thoughtful questions. And once again, I hope that you will join us on March 14 as we will then share how LyondellBasell will advance on our strategy and unlock substantial value over the coming years. As we have said in the prepared comments for this call, we have not waited until the Capital Markets Day. We have already put a lot of things into action. And the purpose of the Capital Markets Day is to go deeper into the more specifics on the different pillars of our new strategy. I wish you all a great weekend, and as usual, stay safe.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes today’s conference call. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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