Longboard Capital Advisors Likes Resonant Inc (NASDAQ:RESN), Should You?

Page 6 of 8 – SEC Filing

CUSIP No. 76118L102

On December 30, 2016 Grayboard
Investments, Ltd purchased on the open market 10,000 shares of Common Stock for the aggregate gross proceeds of $47,800 at a price
of $4.78 per share.

Except as reported directly above,
the Reporting Persons have not affected any transactions in the Common Stock of the Issuer during the past 60 days.

(d) Not applicable
(e) Not applicable


Item 6.  Contracts, Arrangements,
Understandings or Relationships with Respect to Securities of the Issuer.

On October 16, 2017, the Reporting Persons
entered into a Joint Filing Agreement in which the Reporting Persons agreed to the joint filing on behalf of each of them of statements
on Schedule 13D with respect to securities of the Issuer, to the extent required by applicable law. A copy of this agreement is
attached hereto as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by reference.

Other than as described herein, there are
no contracts, arrangements, understandings or relationships among the Reporting Persons, or between the Reporting Persons and any
other person, with respect to the securities of the Issuer.

Item 7.  Material to Be Filed
as Exhibits.


Exhibit A          Joint Filing Agreement, dated
October 16, 2017

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