LivePerson, Inc. (NASDAQ:LPSN) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Now right now, this is delivered by humans. You have doctors and health coaches combined with the precision data, which is actually really similar to how customer engagement LivePerson uses data, but with humans in the loop, constantly improving it. The difficulty, as you can imagine, is the cost of the humans and the ability to scale them. So just like what LivePerson is doing in customer engagement, we can totally change the game on the scale of what a doctor and health coach can do. So as normally a doctor may have 1,000 patients, this data combined with LLMs can massively increase that ratio of patient to doctor, and at the same time, we radically change the margins on the health care business from maybe the 20% to 25% range to be more like platform margins while improving outcomes.

But instead of just telling you, I actually want to show you a demo of how we can do this right now, how we can take our rich precision data to train a large language model with all of our precision medicine knowledge and all the patient-specific data to get really incredible results. The model here that you’re looking at is trained with my data, so all of my DNA, blood work, microbiome data, the millions of data points about me, and I can ask it questions. So just like the long tail discussion Joe was talking about, I can essentially take this conversation wherever I want based on what’s important to me personally. So for example, let’s say someone in my family recently had a heart attack. Well, right now, I’m young and healthy. I don’t have any real medical problems, but I want to look into the future.

I would love to have a crystal ball where I can look and see what my risk factors are. So I can ask this model that has all of that genetic data and all the data about me, am I at risk of having a heart attack? And while I’m thinking about this, I’m going to go ahead and ask, and what about getting cancer and dementia? So those are things that run in my family as well that I’m worried about in the future. And I feel fine now, but these are things that kill most Americans. So as just looking into the crystal ball of all of my risk factors, the DNA, the blood work, it tells me, great news, I have a 0% risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years based on the MACE score. However, not great news when I look and see, I’ve got an increased risk of dementia, have an increased risk of colon cancer here.

And then as I go on down, it says based on my genetics, I have an increased risk of late onset Alzheimer’s with sleep disturbance, if I have that. So that reminds me, I haven’t been sleeping well recently, so any recommendations based on my genetics. I’m not asking it, just give me sleep tips. I’m saying look at my DNA, which also, while I’m asking, I want to go and ask what labs can I improve to decrease my chance of getting those diseases as well? Again, this is about me, specifically me, reporting to my DNA, my labs, what can I do, not just the risk factors that I’m at risk for, but what am I going to do to decrease those risks? And I already have a specific example there for when it comes to sleep. So it tells me about my increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease or sleep disturbance, but it gave me very specific things to do.

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