Editor’s Note: Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD), Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP)
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is set to take on digital payment giant PayPal with its own payments product, according to sources familiar with the social networking site’s plans. The product would allow internet users to make purchases on mobile apps with their Facebook login information. Any user who has previously provided the website with their credit card details would be able to make purchases on partnering e-commerce mobile apps without entering any billing information, tech news site AllThingsD reports. Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) confirmed it is in the process of preparing a testing phase for the product.
How LinkedIn Helps Passive Job Seekers Land Their Dream Jobs (PayScale Career News)
You already know by now that LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD) is a great tool to help with your job search, but it’s also the place to be when you’re NOT directly looking for a job. Passive job seekers are already employed, but willing to take on a new opportunity, should the offer fit the bill. So, whether you’re actively seeking a job or not, LinkedIn is where it’s at. For those of you who just crawled out from the rock you were living under for a decade or so, LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD) is a professional social networking site that has morphed into one of the top tools recruiters use to find qualified candidates.
Yelp Joins With Advocacy Group ALEC to Fight SLAPP Lawsuits (Daily Beast)
The American Legislative Exchange Council once faced a backlash for its support of Stand Your Ground and voter ID laws, losing Coca-Cola and Kraft as members. Now the advocacy group is working with companies such as Google, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB), and Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP), and taking more civil libertarian stances on technology issues than it has in the past. ALEC, which holds conferences at which state legislators and corporations work together to draft model laws on issues that affect corporate interests, has been reaching out to Silicon Valley. At an ALEC meeting in Chicago last week, Yelp Inc (NYSE:YELP)’s director of public policy, Luther Lowe, delivered a presentation to ALEC’s civil justice task force urging the group to consider adopting model legislation on strategic lawsuits against public participation, or SLAPPs.
Facebook attributes recent platform outage to ‘malicious apps’ (ZDNet)
Third-party developers might have had difficulting accessing the Facebook Platform on Wednesday, and now the social network is offering a few answers. Without naming names, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) basically attributed the problem to a generic response: malicious apps. Facebook engineer Eugene Zarakhovsky stressed in a blog post on Thursday that the “Facebook Platform and our users are constantly under attack from malicious apps.” According to Zarakhovsky, there is a basic procedure already set up to handle such attacks.
Is LinkedIn cheating employees and users? (SmartPlanet.com)
The evolution of traditional job boards and newspaper advertisements to Internet-based agencies and emailed resumes isn’t without its criticism. It’s no longer simply about being the best candidate for the job; some argue that as the Internet is used to generate revenue for headhunters, now it’s about making your presence known — and paying for the privilege. Nick Corcodilos, a headhunter from Silicon Valley, discussed this idea in an interview with PBS — focusing on LinkedIn Corp (NYSE:LNKD), where employers and employees create profiles and connect online. One of the main differences between traditional agencies and online variations is that the former rely on commission from employers, while the latter often makes money off both companies and job seekers.