Russia’s Ministry of Finance Legalizes Cryptocurrency Trading, Central Bank Disagrees (CoinTelegraph)
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Minfin) has presented the Digital Assets Regulation Bill which defines and establishes a regulatory system for cryptocurrencies, ICOs, mining and trading, local media outlet TASS news agency reported today Jan. 25. Notably, the central bank of Russia disagrees with Ministry of Finance that cryptocurrency exchange should be legally accepted. According to the central bank, the digital currency trading rules should be only applied to tokens that would attract financial investments.
Why Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple are Crashing This Morning (
Friday is not shaping up to be a great day for cryptocurrency, with 88 of the 100 largest tokens reporting losses in the early hours of the day. Top coins Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple all suffered losses after a Tokyo-based exchange unexpectedly halted withdrawals. Coincheck, an exchange founded in 2012, halted all fiat currency and cryptocurrency withdrawals, stating that it was preparing a statement in due course. Hiroyuki Komiya, Chief Executive Officer of Tokyo-based Blockchain Technology Consulting, told Bloomberg that Coincheck is a “very well-known exchange” in the country and people are “very eagerly awaiting to hear more detail.”

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NEO (NEO) Is Knocking On The Door of Ethereum (ETH) (
The word is out there that NEO (NEO) is the Ethereum (ETH) of China. It has the seal of approval from a country with a population of over 1.4 Billion according to a 2017 census estimate. This is approximately 25% of the world’s population. This means that if the founders of NEO cryptocurrency really wanted to make things interesting, they’d market NEO to the 1.4 Billion Chinese with a 33% population being between the ages of 15 and 35. This means a possible market share of 462 Million young Chinese willing to own and transact with NEO.
Millions of PCs Targeted by Cryptocurrency-Mining Malware (Fox News)
Malware is increasingly developing an appetite for cryptocurrency mining. One newly discovered strain has tried to infect millions of Windows machines, all in an effort to siphon their computing power and possibly sell it for mining purposes. The operation has been going on for over four months, and may have targeted around 15 million machines or more, security firm Palo Alto Networks said Wednesday. To spread the malware, the hackers have been disguising the code as EXE files made to look like file-sharing downloads with names such as “File4org,” “RapidFiles” and “Dropmefiles.”
Kodak, The Blockchain and Cryptocurrency: How Kodak Is Tapping Into Technology (
Kodak (KODK), one of the oldest names in the imaging business, is leveraging the blockchain technology to fix problems that have been plaguing the photography industry. Kodak and WENN Digital joined hands to launch a blockchain-powered image rights management platform, dubbed as KODAKOne along with a photo-centric cryptocurrency, known as KODAKCoin. The heart of Kodak’s platform is the distributed ledger technology and the ‘token economy’ which are being used to ensure that individual photographers and agencies are able to protect ownership rights and authorization of their work while generating a new revenue stream.