Koninklijke Philips N.V. (NYSE:PHG) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Abhijit Bhattacharya: And you’ve asked whether there are other insurance things that we are pursuing. The answer is no. This is the only one. We had indicated that last year we’ve been exactly in line with the estimates and now that has ended up in a signed deal and now the cash will flow this year.

Unidentified Analyst: Perfect. And maybe as a follow-up on the SoClean thing because if memory serves me well, SoClean was also included in the — it was not a class action, but let’s say, the MDL that you have today. So did anything come out of that? Or is there nothing that really touch them at this point in time?

Roy Jakobs: No, it’s a separate MDL. So there’s currently no impact from that.

Unidentified Analyst: All right, thank you very much.

Operator: Thank you. Due to the time, the last question comes from the line of Ed Ridley-Day of Redburn Atlantic. Your line is open. Please go ahead.

Edward Ridley-Day: Thank you very much. My congratulations to the execution of the settlement. Just a few follow-ups. On the patient monitoring. Clearly, you had strong comps for a number of quarters from last year. Should we see patient monitoring growing in fiscal ’24? Is that possible? And if you could provide some color on that, that would be helpful. And if you could also provide any color on the ultrasound business growth within the quarter and how that relates to market growth. That would also be helpful. Thank you.

Abhijit Bhattacharya: Yes, so to be — on monitoring, we do see growth this year. So there is no — let’s say, we have no doubts, like I said, Q1, we had tough comps last year. So therefore, and in terms of ultrasound, also, we had — I think if I remember from the top of my head, in the 30s growth in the 30% plus growth in Q1. So therefore Q1, this year is of course, a slight decline, but very slight. And the good news is that we have quite some innovation coming in Ultrasound, which is launching as we speak. So we really expect to gain good momentum on top of a very strong last year to continue that momentum this year as well. So we will continue to gain share there.

Edward Ridley-Day: Thank you for that.

Operator: Thank you. Gentlemen, that was the last question. I will now hand back to Mr. Jakobs for any points you may still like to raise.

Roy Jakobs: Yes. Thank you all for your questions. Much appreciated. And let me close out by just repeating once more the key messages of today’s announcement. First of all, we delivered results in line with our performance improvement plan for the first quarter as a result of strong continued focus on our execution. Secondly, very important steps taken in resolving the consequences of the Respironics recall in the quarter with major milestones on litigation, on consent decree and on insurance, which provides clarity on the way forward for Philips. And thirdly, the progress we are making reinforces our confidence to deliver further performance improvement in 2024 and we are on track with the plan for 2025. Thank you all for listening. Have a great day.

Operator: Thank you. This concludes the Royal Philips’ first quarter 2024 results conference call on Monday, the 29th of April 2024. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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