Kohl’s Corporation (NYSE:KSS) Q3 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Blake Anderson: That’s great to hear. Thank you. And then also on Sephora, just wondering, you’ve had some of those stores now for about a year or year plus. So just wondering if you could comment a little more broadly on how those stores are comping. And then, how do you expect that customer to hold up under inflation versus your chain average? Thank you.

Jill Timm: Sure. What I would say is, one, we’re still seeing great performance from Sephora. They’re up mid- to high-single digits, so outperforming the balance of the chain. So we feel good. The stores obviously just count for one month of the quarter but it is positive. So, we feel great that they are comping. I think that we’re seeing in beauty sales. I think that we’re seeing across is that beauty people need it. They see this as a need. We’ve always said this is a traffic driver for us. It’s why they come back. Even during inflationary times, they need to replenish their lipstick or makeup for cosmetics and skin care. So, we feel like this is definitely a thing that can continue to drive our business during the holiday period.

Like I mentioned on the call, we know last year, gifting was something that outperformed for us. So, you’re going to see a much more expanded gifting assortment this year. We’re going to have some very good value price points to really take into accountability of the uncertainty and the inflationary environment that we’re in. And we’re going to do this all with a much more elevated marketing support and partnership with Sephora. So, I think we feel great with the strategy as it unfolds. We feel great as those first 200 stores start hitting their comp year, and we feel really well set up for the holiday period.

Operator: Your next question is from the line of Chuck Grom with Gordon Haskett. Please go ahead.

Chuck Grom: Good to see the progress on inventory, Jill. Last quarter, you guys provided a really nice slide on packing that across different buckets, core in transit, Sephora, pack-and-hold. I was wondering if you could maybe frame out those buckets for us, this go around.

Jill Timm: Yes, so, made it a lot easier on us, Chuck. Honestly, the pack-and-hold is on the floor. So, it is literally not a difference to last year. Obviously, we didn’t buy into that inventory. So, that went away in third quarter. And then we mentioned on the call, our in-transits really just kind of came back in line. I think you saw across the supply chain disruption, we had written in a lot of extra time. That wasn’t needed because the ports are pretty clear. There’s capacity in that — in the shipping lanes. So, we were able to really normalize that. So, we didn’t have to call it out. The one thing we did call out is about 500 basis points for beauty. So, as we now have the 600 stores open, we made that investment into inventory.

So, that was the only reconciling item. So really trying to simplify what we’re looking at. But even with beauty flat to 2019, so we do feel good the progress, but more progress to come, as we mentioned, going through Q4. All right. I think that was our last question. So, I just want to thank you, everyone, for listening on the call today, and wish you a wonderful holiday season.

Operator: Thank you all for joining Kohl’s Corporation third quarter 2022 earnings conference call. This does conclude today’s call. You may now disconnect.

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