Kite Realty Group Trust (NYSE:KRG) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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John Kite: Yes. I mean it’s the combined company in terms of where we are right now, Craig. As you know, we’re not €“ we’re well past the time of breaking out different portfolios. We’re operating, obviously, as company, one team. So it really is just the combined business. And we obviously as far as the Kite side of the equation, we did have a bigger hit during COVID from one particular tenant, which was Stein Mart. So that kind of overly impacted that side of our business. But now our anchor leased percentage is almost right there versus where we were in 2019. So it’s really about the shops, the opportunities in the shops, which is great because that revenue materializes quicker than box revenue in terms of the timeline it takes to turn over spaces. So I think there’s real opportunity there, and there’s real rent growth opportunity there as well.

Craig Mailman: And then, Heath, on the $0.03 related to Bed Bath and Party City. Could you talk about kind of what assumption is embedded in that in terms of either timing or ultimate store closures, kind of what goes into that drag?

Heath Fear: Sure. So again, this represents our best estimate right now. And for better or for worse, this is not the first time that we’re doing this sort of exercise. This won’t be the last time and we’re doing this sort of exercise. And so really, it was a ground-up space-by-space analysis. We looked at sales, we looked at health ratios, quality of the real estate based on some direct discussions with the tenant and closure list. So we kind of triangulated, again, our best estimate. And at this point, we’re not €“ don’t really want to get into the sausage making in terms of what their particular assumptions are around each tenant or each space. Again, it’s space by space. And we are an ongoing discussion. So I think just letting you know that we were very, very thoughtful on how we came up with this 75 basis point number. And we will see how it shakes out.

Craig Mailman: And apologies if I missed this, but did you go through kind of any €“ the number of store closures that have been on the Bed Bath list that are Kite and maybe what the demand has been so far, if there is any LOIs outstanding or execute leases at these come back to you?

Tom McGowan: Sure. So far on Bed Bath, we’ve been identified with three potential closures. These lists are out there. So we’re working under the assumption that we will get those three back. So we have quite a few tenants that are interested in these spaces. One thing to remember, every retail in the country has been reviewing these lists for quite some time, both from Bed Bath and Party City. So we have a lot of active negotiations and discussions with people on those potential closures. Then on Party City, through recent expirations, we took two stores back. They have both been leased already. Those occurred in January. So we’re already off to a good €“ a great start, but the interaction amongst every national retailer on these lists is very vibrant. So we feel very good about where we’re headed at this point.

Craig Mailman: What were the mark-to-market on Party City and maybe the Bed Bath, just last one?

John Kite: We don’t have that right in front of us. I don’t think, I’m looking around. I don’t think we have that right in front of us. So we can get back to you on that.

Craig Mailman: Perfect. Thank you.

John Kite: Thanks.

Operator: Thank you. And our next question comes from the line of Floris Van Dijkum from Compass Point. Your question please.

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