Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:KNTK) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

Q – Tristan Richardson: Appreciate it as always Jamie. And then maybe more near term just thinking you talked about lead counting project volumes coming in April and May above maintenance done in time to see March turn-in-lines increasing. I mean is there a particular cadence, we should think about for turn-in-lines for the rest of the year, as you talk about the low double-digit expectations for 2024?

Jamie Welch: Trevor, what do you think?

Trevor Howard: Yes. Thanks for the question, Tristan. It’s — look it’s quite consistent from what we have seen over the past few years especially, coming out of winter storm Uri, where most of our TIL development not 70% to 80% of our TIL development really takes place. And late in the first quarter, second quarter and then by September generally, we see most of our TILs in the year. So we should expect a similar volume ramp that we saw last year, where producers are bringing wells on right now. We’re going to have the return of Alpine High curtailments in the second quarter, once the maintenance issues on the egress pipes clear up and in-basin pricing recovers. And come mid-summer, we should see, higher levels of volume and that should continue to tick up throughout the balance of the year, until our producers are completed with the TIL programs for fiscal year 2024.

Q – Tristan Richardson: Appreciate it. Thanks, gentlemen.

Trevor Howard: Thanks Tristan.

Operator: Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Keith Stanley with Wolfe Research. Your line is now open.

Q – Keith Stanley: Hi, good morning. First, I just wanted to follow up on the Alpine High curtailment. So you’re expecting them to come back once the maintenance ends, I guess later this month? And how good do you feel about them doing that and keeping volumes on? And then just, how meaningful is Alpine High to overall Kinetik G&P volumes at this point?

Jamie Welch: Keith, good morning. So, as far as we did see, actually we’ve already seen a return of volumes. I think you’ve got to be mindful shutting in PDP for extended periods of time, you do risk the potential for a reservoir damage. So you got to be conscious and cognizant of not doing something, that may in fact, have longer-lasting ramifications. And I think look, we’re seeing the return of those volumes and they can be they can be very much increased almost immediately in the context of just the way they’ve got an auto choke system, that operates pretty much across the board. As it relates to the overall the impact as we think about the return and we think about what’s going to happen and how important it is for us. What you should see is, yes, it pro forma Callon you’ve got probably 28% of your volumes, I think sit with Apache between DXL, Callon and obviously Alpine High and only Alpine High is impacted from a gas — because of gas prices.

And despite that, our business has basically done incredibly well as far as profit is concerned. And as I said that strength has continued into April and we’re seeing it in the context of even in the first week of May. So I think as we think about our business, it’s nice to have and I still I think look whether — when it comes back and if it fully comes back in the next two weeks, three weeks we were about to come out, I believe in the next two weeks out of the pipeline maintenance with the balance of GTX and PHP and everything should be then done. And then we’re just obviously waiting for [indiscernible] and the question is when that comes online.

Trevor Howard: Keith I’d also jump in with the — it’s a small amount of equity space that we do have on PHP. It actually acts as a nice natural hedge where we do see in-basin gas prices that warrant curtailments, it’s actually a net positive for the company given the open space. And so it’s actually been a — it’s been a nice hedge here in March and in April while we’re getting through this maintenance and shoulder season in the basin.

Keith Stanley: That’s helpful. Thanks. Second question just, how are you thinking at this point about growth opportunities into next year? It seems like you have some more opportunities. You have a new plant potentially of maybe a phase two in New Mexico, GCX expansion. Should we think of investments and growth for the company is accelerating into next year as you look at the opportunity set, or just any thoughts around that?

Jamie Welch: Look I think Keith, as far as growth opportunities we’re always looking at growth opportunities across the board. We’ve been very successful on the organic side, and we’ll continue to look for those opportunities. We think that they are highly accretive to the value complex that is Kinetik. And as we think about 2025 and those and the opportunities out there, look you’ve identified some that obviously we have talked about already, and we’ll continue to see what we are able to secure and see how that obviously what that means as far as the overall trajectory of EBITDA. And obviously we are very mindful of making sure that we are thinking about the capital discipline on.

Keith Stanley: Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. The next question comes from the line of John Mackay with Goldman Sachs. Your line is now open.

John Mackay: Hey, good morning. Thanks for the time. Figured it might ask on the Infinium agreement. I think the projects used to come online in 2026. Just interested if you guys could frame up what the size of the opportunity could be for you guys if there’s more of this that you can do kind of what to watch next.

Jamie Welch: John, good morning. Thank you. We’ve got Tyler Milam who runs our new Energy Ventures business and has been the architect with the on the Infinium deal. So Tyler do you want to take that away?

Tyler Milam: Sure. Thanks Jamie. Hey, John. Yeah, so just to let you know this is just one of our cryogenic complexes that we have contracted with Project Road Runner via Infinium. And so to qualify, I guess, versus even quantify, what we are have still on the slate is we’re still evaluating our other three complexes. And so I think there’s definitely some room to run and we continue to daily see the best way to not only reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as our corporate objective, but also turning that into a revenue stream at no capital to our organization.