6 Most Expensive Fruits In The World

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1. Pineapple from Cornwall, England

Most Expensive Fruits In The World

The most expensive fruit on our list shockingly doesn’t come from Japan. This pineapple is grown in the Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall, England, and is grown using an elaborate process. They are grown in greenhouses, covered in horse manure, urine, and straw, and grown over a two year span. This method is necessary given England’s cold climate as pineapples are not normally grown in this region. As they take two years to grow, these pineapples are never brought to market, which is a big factor in their rarity. Instead, staffers of the garden are given these as presents for their work, and they are extremely hard to find for sale. The most recent sale of one of these pineapples went for about $15,833, making it the most expensive fruit in the world.

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