John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE:WLY) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Christina Van Tassell: And just to add to that, Dan, we just made some really important decisions as we talked about today. So it takes some time to work through the details and also our use of proceeds. But we are going to evaluate all our options, including what Brian just mentioned. Also, we’re also keeping going out for our debt structure in light of the macro environment, we also always look at our share repurchases, all those things. And as a reminder, about half of our cash flow is dedicated to dividends and buybacks.

Daniel Moore: Very good. Thank you again for taking the questions and color.

Brian Napack: Great. Well, look, I want to thank you all — are there any other questions?

Operator: There are no further questions at this time.

Brian Napack: Okay. With none, I want to thank everybody for joining today. It’s been a big call for us. We’re looking forward to the year to come as we gain more clarity and more momentum around our new strategy. I definitely want to re-thank our colleagues worldwide for their continued support and passion in this journey. We are committed to unlocking potential. And now we have a more clear focused aligned strategy that would go forward into the future and generate — unlock value for our shareholders and all of our stakeholders. So thanks very much. We look forward to sharing results in Q1 and updates in September. Look forward to seeing you all at our Investor Day in October.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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